At ScribeConcepts, we deliver end-to-end solutions for all your publishing needs, from initial concept and content creation to meticulous editing, design oversight, and final production, ensuring your educational materials are top-notch and accessible.
Developing the right workflow begins with the people on the front line, those invested in getting the job done. These are the ones treading water, often gasping for air, about the time we come in.
​We marry objective analysis with intuitive context, and we see top-level process issues come to light.
​Once we can zero in on the big picture problems, we can redesign the processes, relationships and workflow tools you need to publish better than your competitors. Our As-Is and Should-Be Workflow Maps give definition to our solution.
We create tools that support streamlined publication production without getting in the way of creativity. Inspired by the Alan Cooper approach to interaction design, we craft workflow tools that minimize cognitive friction. This means usable, intuitive software that makes your job easier, less manual, and more fun.
Services Include:
Project Coordination,
Project Management (Tier 1),
Project Management (Tier 2),
Strategic Project Management (Tier 3)
We can redesign the processes, relationships and workflow tools you need to publish better than your competitors.
Our team of education professionals and subject matter experts bring a wealth of experience to the table. We possess in-depth knowledge of state standards, instructional best practices, and the evolving landscape of education. ​
When it comes to selecting curricula for state adoption, making informed decisions is paramount. With our deep understanding of educational standards, pedagogical expertise, and meticulous research methodologies, we provide valuable insights to help you choose curricula that align with state requirements and demonstrate effectiveness. ​
Our research and evaluation services employ a rigorous methodology designed to assess curricula against specific criteria. We analyze various components, including content alignment, instructional strategies, assessment methods, and overall effectiveness in meeting educational goals. Our thorough evaluation process ensures a comprehensive assessment that goes beyond surface-level examination.
Services Include:
Assessment Strategy
Content Editing
Content Writing
Content Strategy
We provide valuable insights to help you choose curricula that align with state requirements and demonstrate effectiveness.
ScribeConcepts offers professional copy editing, developmental editing, proofreading, and diversity, equity, inclusion, & justice (DEIJ) reviews to ensure your content is consistent, current, and error-free. Our in-house experts can train, support, and integrate your editorial staff or build editorial guidance, processes, and teams for your projects.
Services Include:
Quality Control
Accessibility integration
Accuracy and answer checking
Asset development
DEIJ review, revision, and sensitivity guidelines
Online courses and activities
At ScribeConcepts, we are committed to designing products that are visually appealing, accessible, and highly user-friendly. We create exceptional assets that enhance engagement and usability across all our projects. Our creativity is a powerful tool, helping us deliver beautiful and intuitive solutions for learners, teachers, and administrators.
From technical line art to custom illustrative storytelling, technology plays a crucial role in our ability to produce high-quality products that provide meaningful learning experiences. Our design team uses heuristic methods to develop interfaces and page designs that are easy for learners of all ages to navigate.
Services Include:
Color Correction
Cover and Page Design
Design Management
Design Strategy
Image Manipulation
Infographic Design
Interaction Design
Map Creation
Photo and Video Research
Technical and Scientific Art
User Interface and User Experience
We specialize in transforming manuscripts into masterpieces with clear, engaging layouts with thoughtful use of color, typography, and visuals to enhance understanding and engagement. Precise typesetting and careful digital formatting ensure readability across various devices. From the simplest processes to the most complex page layouts, we have the expertise to produce something you can be proud of.
In addition to the services listed, we can provide:
Accessibility integration
Asset development
Composition, page design, and layout
Conversion services including PDF, XML, and ePub
Quality assurance and testing; content, art, technical, and functional
Student, teacher, and state editions
Teacher resource tools
Test preparation and practice
Trade and academic titles
Services Include:
Print and Digital Production
CMS Management
Metadata Packaging and Delivery
Production Associate
Production Management